Monday, 28 December 2009


"If you die and you can count your friends on one hand, then you have lived a good life".

I remember reading that somewhere when I was younger & thinking "what?? ive got a lot more than 5 friends"..... but with age, I'm beginning to see the truth in that quote. True friends are indeed hard to come by.....

I'm not someone who opens up easily...perhaps its a "once bitten twice shy" thing coz I've been hurt in the past...

I've recently noticed there is something.....theres something deep & special about a boy-girl relationship that same-sex friends will never match - regardless of how long you've been good mates with ur same-gender friend. Sounds like a stoopit thing to say....especially becoz I've always been a believer in "sisters b4 ur misters"....i watched Bride Wars in the cinema & it reminded me of someone & i cried becoz i wished that what happened in the film wud happen in real life (not the whole war part, but the bits when both of the brides are lying awake at night etc becoz even tho they were happy that they're soon to be getting married to the man they love, things just didnt seem right becoz they didnt have their best friend.....)

I'm not sure that is the case in real life.....i used to believe it to be true but reality tells me think you know someone but maybe you dont coz the only person whom they allow to see all of their thoughts etc is their other-half...even if you've spent years being really good friends, along comes a guy/girl & soon you're yesterday's news!

I think i open up about the same to an other-half as i do to close gfs but somehow the role of the other-half is just more willing to do something about it...wonder why that is...coz theoretically gfs shud be able to relate more....

I think only one person truly knows & understands me & actually does sumin about it! (besides God of course!) the sense that he can tell when i'm unhappy, be it thru text, phone or in person....he can see thru my 'everything is ok' masks....hes not afraid to address issues underlying my outward emotions....altho we had dated for a couple of years, i dont think that is why hes got this 'ability' to sense & see thru me....coz we were really good friends for years b4 then......i feel really blessed that God has preserved our friendship :)

"Friends listen to what you dont say"

I've been told b4 "u shud tell me when ure feeling unhappy coz otherwise i wont know"
Part of me thinks theres truth in that, but another part of me feels that u shud know me well enough to be able to tell....wheres the line between it being nature to certain personalities Vs effort....perhaps its jst time & effort which neither of us are willing to invest....

Girls are a lot less "get up & go" than guys.....guys will drive out to see you/take you out to cheer u up....they'll make silly jokes &/or fools of themselves just so you'll smile agen....they'll spend an hour in the freezing cold to help you fix your car coz they'd rather they do it than i get ripped off by a random Halfords guy....they'll go out of their way & grant ur random spontaneous suggestion of a road trip, travelling 150 miles just to stay 3hrs & come home again, becoz its your last days b4 starting work.......

I'm just rambling.....

So back to the original quote....there definitely arent many people to whom i
can truly be myself, and even less i know i can call & dependent upon in case of emergency, but for the few that are, i thank God for :)

- I love you

"Friends are those with whom we feel comfortable enough to 'think out loud."

"A friendship is like a gold chain..each link is a memory from past to present..."

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